Conceptual Chemistry
Chapter 4: Subatomic Particles
When atoms of an element are heated to a point where they emit light, it is found that they only emit characteristic frequencies of color. Demonstrations of H, He, and Ne are shown. Duration: 5:37
Kai and Maile, after studying the spectral patterns of various night lights, watch a firework display in Waikiki through a pair of diffraction grating glasses. Elemental spectra can be seen in the elements used to make the fireworks. Duration: 6:05.
Something that is said to be quantized simply means that it is made of a number of fundamental units. Bohr applied the quantum hypothesis to the structure of the atom to explain atomic spectra. Duration: 5:21.
Bohr proposed that electrons are restricted to particular orbits which he designated by principal quantum numbers. When electrons drop to lower energy levels, they emit light, giving rise to a specific atomic spectra. Duration: 4:56.
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