Conceptual Algebra I

About This Curriculum
A conceptual approach within mathematics means a focus on the concepts—on the underlying ideas. For Conceptual Algebra this includes the study of variables and the rules for manipulating those variables within equations. Relationships are discovered. Numbers provide meaning. And the many great applications of mathematics are realized.

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Course ID: CMAlgebra

Enrollment: $129

Welcome to the first program of our developing Conceptual Math series. We begin with the first year of algebra. Though still in an early phase, this program is complete and comprehensive covering all Algebra 1 topics for a full year of academic credit.

Conceptual Algebra features professor Matt Foraker of Western Kentucky University who has decades of experience enticing even the most reluctant students into the wonders of mathematics. Through his conceptual approach—a focus on the ideas with clear explanations—Matt makes the math accessible and meaningful. With his zany wit, dry sense of humor, and genuine passion for mathematics, Matt also helps to make the experience of learning math enjoyable.

Here on this landing page the first three chapters are freely available for your review. For the complete pilot program, sign up using the Course ID: CMAlgebra. This pilot includes Matt's library of 138 algebra video lessons accompanied by his detailed video lesson notes that serve as the textbook, plus extensive practice problems with answer keys and unit exams. Automated quizzes are still in development.

Terms: No expiration date. As this program continues to be developed you will continue to have access. Enrollment is akin to a life-time membership, which allows each student to move along at their own pace and revisit lessons whenever needed. Consider purchasing now for later use. Full refunds are available. Your feedback, especially during this first year (2023-2024) will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

Editor's Choice Sample Video