Conceptual Integrated Science

About This Curriculum
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science, and Astronomy. Fold these branches of science together and the result we call Integrated Science. The breadth of integrated science is made manageable through the use of Unifying Concepts— those big ideas that cut across all the sciences and unite them as one body of knowledge about the world. This, in turn, helps us to understand the workings of our natural environment. How does water move up a tree? (Biology and Physics) How do stars shine? (Physics and Astronomy) Why do we have beaches? (Chemistry and Earth Science) Conceptual Integrated Science relates the big ideas of science to everyday life, and is presented in a friendly, personal—and sometimes humorous voice.

About this Program

Welcome to Conceptual
Integrated Science

Peruse the Table of Videos to explore our video library as aligned to the Conceptual Physics textbook.

To the Student: You'll need a Course ID from your instructor to register. After signing in, you'll be brought to your profile page. From there you can view your gradebook and enter your customized course, where our video library, encouragement-based homework system, and much more are collated to the calendar dates of your class schedule. For any questions, please write to

To the Instructor: Thank you for visiting our Instructor Support site:, where you will find many teaching resources. Welcome to the CA community! We look forward to hearing from you and working with you directly.

To Everyone: For a sample selection of our recent video work, thank you for visiting our Conceptual Academy YouTube channel.